Reflections on IHREC reporting

One of MLRC’s solicitor’s Paul Dornan reflects back on the process involved in successfully applying for funding with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC). Recently, he presented at an IHREC induction webinar to assist others with their successful grant projects. In 2020, we produced a report on the challenges faced by minority groups […]

A farewell to our intern Hugh

Hugh Ó Laoide Kelly

  “I thoroughly enjoyed my time interning with the MLRC. Everyone working there was incredibly welcoming and the structure of the internship was incredibly flexible, allowing me to manage my commitments to work and academics while also volunteering with MLRC. The online experience was seamless with regular video calls allowing me to feel a part of […]

Mercy Law Resource Centre welcomes the government’s Housing for All strategy

Mercy Law Resource Centre welcomes many of the initiatives in the government’s Housing for All strategy.  In particular, it welcomes the commitments to (i) end homelessness by 2030; (ii) progress a referendum on housing; (iii) implement the White Paper to End Direct Provision; and (iv) implement the Expert Group Report on Traveller Accommodation recommendations. Aoife […]

We are now seeking a Finance Administrator

Mercy Law Resource Centre (MLRC) is recruiting a Finance Administrator. MLRC is an independent law centre and charity which provides free legal advice and representation to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in the areas of public housing and social welfare law. MLRC also seeks to advocate change in laws, policies […]

A fond farewell from one of our summer interns, Sarah

  My name is Sarah McDonnell and I interned with Mercy Law Resource Centre in July 2021. As a recent law graduate of Trinity College Dublin, my studies sparked an interest in human rights, refugee and immigration law, as I learned how the lives of billions are shaped by public international law. From that interest, […]

Welcoming new additions to Mercy Law!

We are pleased to announce two additions to our team, Heber Rowan (Fundraising & Communications Officer) and Katherine Finn (Locum Solicitor). With their diverse range of skills, we are delighted to have Heber and Katherine on board to support our efforts to vindicate the rights of those at risk of homelessness. The past year was […]

Mercy Law welcomes changes in criteria for civil legal aid eligibility

Mercy Law welcomes the recent decision of the Legal Aid Board to discount state housing support payments, including HAP, when assessing financial eligibility for civil legal aid.  Those previously deemed ineligible for civil legal aid because HAP or another type of housing assistance pushed them over the income threshold who still require legal aid are advised to make a […]