Befriender’s Training Day February 2014

MLRC thanks our Befrienders and Maeve Hurley and Evanna Lyons of “Ag Eisteacht” for supporting our Befriending Service at an excellent training day in February One of Mercy Law Resource Centre’s key services is our Befriending service. Our Befriender volunteers befriend clients to accompany them and provide them with emotional and practical support as they go […]

Successful outcome for MLRC client, a separated husband with an interest in the family home: Council issues housing need for assistance letter enabling him access rent supplement, 18/2/14

MLRC has recently assisted a client obtain a housing need for assistance letter from a local authority.  This letter enabled our client to apply for Rent Supplement to pay for his private rented accommodation. The local authority issued the need for assistance letter to our client  in recognition that although the client is not, in […]