Support Us
Mercy Law Resource Centre (MLRC) is an independent law centre, charity and company limited by guarantee. MLRC provides accessible free legal advice and representation to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the areas of housing law and related social welfare law. It also seeks to advocate change in laws, policies and attitudes which unduly and adversely impact people who are at the margins of our society. As a registered charity, MLRC is dependent on fundraising and philanthropy.
The work done at MLRC has the capability to change lives and improve outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people in Irish society, caught between the cracks of the worst housing and homelessness crisis on record. In order to expand and increase the quality, quantity and impact of our services, MLRC has partnered with various like-minded corporations, developing lasting relationships that have had mutually beneficial outcomes. In 2018, through our partnership with A&L Goodbody, we saw our client outreach increase significantly, allowing us to reach more clients and help more families in homelessness.
In 2018, MLRC also advised over 100 organisations and/or their clients, including Crosscare, Liberties CIC, Dublin Simon, Focus Ireland, FLAC and Merchants Quay Ireland on housing and welfare law. In order to facilitate this Advice and training, we have partnered with a number of corporations and other organisations to promote the work of MLRC and to advocate for improved outcomes for those that are living on the extreme margins of society.

In 2018, our highest priority of referrals continued to be from vulnerable families and individuals with homeless and housing issues, such as issues accessing emergency accommodation or suitable accommodation; families refused access to the housing list and homeless priority; inappropriate homeless accommodation for vulnerable families or individuals. Testimonials from clients and organisations that we work with acknowledging the critical difference our involvement makes in helping people move out of the despair of homelessness can be found here.
Homelessness affects communities all over the country, and it takes a communal effort to address and tackle the root issues and associated challenges at the heart of this crisis. Partnering with MLRC allows us to carry on and meet the increasing demand for our services, while helping businesses to achieve their social responsibility and community outreach objectives.
MLRC values partnership, and is happy to develop bespoke partnership plan that will offer the most effective and meaningful impacts for our organisation, our clients, and our corporate partners. We welcome partnership opportunities offered on both a long and short term basis. If your organisation is interested in supporting the work of MLRC through training or partnership, or has an idea for a project large or small, please contact us here.
Mercy Law Resource Centre, a registered charity (CHY No: 18698), is totally dependent on charitable funds and needs your support to continue to provide free legal advice and representation to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Volunteer With MLRC
If you are interested in joining our team in a voluntary capacity, please email us to tell us more about yourself and we will be in touch.
Friends of MLRC
Mercy Law Resource Centre (MLRC) provides a unique service that is accessible and, as far as possible, shaped to meet the individual needs of our client
Corporate Partnerships
MLRC are looking for new partnerships with businesses partners that can make an impact. We love hearing from people as passionate about their work as we are, and would be delighted to engage with your corporate social responsibility team or committee.