
Donate Online

To donate through Pay Pal, click the donate button below and enter your details.

100% of the donation pledged to MLRC through Facebook goes to our organisation.
To donate, please click here

Donate Online

You can help us by sending money directly to our bank account, please contact us to make the arrangements.

Post your Donation

You can post cheques, bank drafts or postal orders made payable to “Mercy Law Resource Centre” to our offices at Mercy Law Resource Centre, 25 Cork St, Dublin 8. Please phone us on 01 4537459 and let us know you have made a donation by bank transfer or post as we would like to acknowledge and thank you.

Tax Relief on Donation

MLRC is a company limited by guarantee (Co. No.: 471072) and has Charitable Status (CHY 18698). Annual donations of €250 (or €21 per month) and upwards allow us to benefit from tax relief which increases the value of the donation hugely and there is no limit on how much can be given!

Those who wish to donate can simply send their name and address with their donation to our office and we will send out a form to be signed. Self employed individuals and companies who donate to MLRC can themselves avail of tax relief on their donation.

Organise your Own Fundraiser for MLRC

Why not organise or take part in an event to raise funds for MLRC?
Events can be anything from a benefit night in your local club/pub, a coffee morning in your house or office, a golf event at your local golf club, a lunch time event at your work or a sponsored walk. All to raise funds for the work of MLRC.

For further information, please contact our Fundraiser, by phone at 01 4537459 or by email at

View our Donor Charter here.

View our Donor Feedback and Complaints procedure here.