On Wednesday 11 June 2014, MLRC welcomed Minister Jan O’Sullivan, Minister of State, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, with special responsibility for Housing and Planning, to launch MLRC’s 2013 Annual Report.
At the launch, representatives from Crosscare, Focus Ireland and Liberties CIC spoke about how MLRC supports and collaborates with these organisations working in the field of homelessness. Edward Gleeson, partner with Mason Hayes & Curran, spoke about the firm’s unique, practical and grounded support for MLRC. Thank you to Cormac McDonnell of Crosscare, Ger Tuohy of Focus Ireland, Stewart Reddin of Liberties CIC and Edward Gleeson for their inspiring contributions. Thank you also to all those who attended the launch and gave their support for MLRC’s work.
The 2013 Annual Report is available here.
Edward Gleeson’s presentation is available here.
For photos of the launch, please view here.