MLRC submission to UN Universal Periodic Review

In May 2015, Ireland will be reviewed by the UN High Commission for Human Rights as to its compliance with its human rights obligations. This process is the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Ireland was last reviewed in this process in 2011. In September, MLRC sent its submission to the UN High Commission for Human Rights […]
There is no legal aid available for housing cases – local authority tenants are, in the vast majority of cases, unable to access any legal representation due to the high costs involved – in respect of the fundamental protection of their family home – MLRC case study
Our client was married and lives with her children in a council house. The marriage irrevocably broke down as her husband was severely abusive, had amassed significant debts and had refused to pay his portion of the rent to the Council. Our client obtained a barring order against her ex-husband who was then ordered to […]
The misuse and barrier of ‘intentional’ homeless test in accessing social housing homeless priority – MLRC case studies
Case study 1 Our client was evicted from his property after three years of privately renting there. He was evicted in March 2014 and has been homeless since then. The local authority claimed that he made himself ‘intentionally’ homeless and his homeless priority on the housing list was deferred indefinitely. While this concept/test exists in […]