MLRC delivers full day training on housing to staff of Offally, Citizens Information Centre

As part of MLRC’s work, we provide training in housing law to organisations and individuals working in the field of homelessness. In September, MLRC held a training session in housing law for the staff of Offaly CIC.

The training session focused in particular on giving an overview of housing law and the law relating to homelessness, and common legal issues arising with accessing legal entitlements in relation to housing. There was also discussion in relation to the law regarding the Housing Assistance Payment and a lively discussion about the issues arising in housing and homelessness outside of Dublin.

In their feedback, attendees described the session as:

“It was excellent, inclusive and interesting – excellent use of materials”;

“Very informative, concise, easy to understand; Very relevant to issues arising with clients“;

“Very informative and excellent use of case studies”;

“Very interesting and useful. I learnt more in one day with the trainer than I have in previous programmes over 12 weeks, very relevant and practical information was covered”

“The trainer was excellent and provided lots of examples which will be very helpful going forward. She answered all questions which were raised.”

If you are interested in organising a training session by MLRC, please contact Danielle on 01 4537459 or at We would be very happy to hear from you and discuss the training that would be most useful for you.