MLRC delivers training on housing law to staff of the office for Ombudsman for Children

As part of MLRC’s work, we provide training in housing law to organisations and individuals working in the field of homelessness. In June, MLRC held a training session in housing law for the staff of the office for Ombudsman for Children.

Our training session gave practical advice and information, to help attendees deal even more effectively with clients’ housing issues, both directly themselves and in referring to MLRC.

The training session focused in particular on giving an overview of housing law and the law relating to homelessness and common legal issues arising with accessing legal entitlements in relation to housing; the law regarding the Housing Assistance Payment; the procedure for evictions from local authority housing; and consideration of some case studies.

In their feedback, attendees described the session as:

“The training was excellent, very practical and I like hearing about all the case studies. You are doing an excellent job. Keep it up. You are a great and a very well needed resource for people”

“It was very enjoyable, especially the case studies“;

“It will really help our understanding of housing and homelessness cases”

Attendees also gave feedback that they found the handouts excellent with very informative and relevant content which will be a useful resource in carrying out their day to day work. A number of those at the training said that the training session will make a tremendous difference in their work, particularly the training on the use of FOI requests, the clarity given on the Housing Assistance Payment, the rules or legislation around social housing and how these should operate, and useful strategies and practical steps to follow to support/advocate for clients with housing issues.

If you are interested in organising a training session by MLRC, please contact Danielle on 01 4537459 or at We would be very happy to hear from you and discuss the training that would be most useful for you.