Summer Intern Camille Goberyte reflects on her experience with MLRC

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to intern with Mercy Law Resource Centre in the months of June and July this summer. As a student of Law and Social Justice, I believe that the legal system is a powerful tool that can be used to shape perspectives and attitudes in our society, and indeed create a more equal one. I gained an interest in the work that MLRC do through my own research, as well as speaking with one of my professors in UCD, who confirmed Mercy Law to be an excellent Pro Bono law firm.

Firstly, I must mention that although I arrived during an extremely busy period for the firm, I was greeted with a warm welcome and every effort was made to make me feel included. The office environment was both professional and friendly, and the solicitors and other staff always made sure that I had work to do that was engaging and educative. The work I was tasked with was varied in nature, including policy work, data analysis, legal research, client communications, and drafting legal documents.

I feel that my six weeks at Mercy Law have given me a valuable insight into the difficulties that arise in public interest areas of the law, as well as of how rewarding it can be to be able to make a positive change for somebody facing homelessness or other issues in the areas of social housing.