What We Do
MLRC provides four key services:
- Free legal advice clinics for people who are homeless or facing homelessness.
- Legal representation in respect of such issues where considered appropriate
- Legal support and training for organisations working in the field of homelessness
- Policy work to advocate changes to laws, policies and attitudes that are particularly harsh for people facing homelessness
Criteria for Taking Cases
We provide free legal advice by phone or at legal clinics in accessible locations.
Free Legal Advice and Representation
Mercy Law Resource Centre provides free legal representation, where required, to individual clients in social housing and related social welfare law.
Training & Legal Support
Since our establishment, MLRC has worked in partnership with many different organisations to advance the cause of access to justice for homeless people.
Policy Work
Arising out of advice and casework, we seek to identify issues which affect our client group and work to bring about changes in areas which would be of benefit to them.