MLRC welcomes Rebecca Keatinge as solicitor with MLRC

MLRC is delighted to welcome Rebecca Keatinge as our new solicitor and colleague.

Rebecca is a solicitor with extensive experience in immigration and human rights law. She graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 2002 with a BA in History and Political Science. She then moved to London and completed an MSc in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies in 2004.

After working briefly for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in London, Rebecca joined the legal aid charity Refugee and Migrant Justice in London as an Appeals Caseworker and Team Leader, providing legal advice and representation to vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees. She then worked for the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Cambodia.

In 2010, Rebecca joined Brophy Solicitors in Dublin and apprenticed with the firm. In 2010, Rebecca was awarded the Law Society EU law prize for the highest mark in the First Examination EU law exam. In 2012, she was a prize-winner in the Law Society Client Consultation competition. She qualified as a solicitor in December 2013. During her time at Brophy Solicitors, she worked predominantly in the areas of immigration and human rights.

Rebecca has also been involved with several charities including the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture, Legal Aid of Cambodia, mental health charity Aware, and Irish charity Ruhama. She was previously a member of the Anti-Trafficking Legal Group (ATLEP). Rebecca is currently a member of the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA).

We look forward to working with Rebecca to build on MLRC’s work helping those who are on the margins of our society.


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