MLRC delivers open training session on housing and related social welfare law – 7 September 2016

img_1337As part of MLRC’s work, we provide training in housing law to organisations and individuals working in the field of homelessness. On 7th September MLRC held an open training session in housing law & related social welfare law for agencies whose clients’ issues include those of homelessness or risk of homelessness.  These agencies included staff and volunteers from Ballymum Community Law Centre, Irish Housing Network, Threshold Galway, Ballyfermot Social Intervention Initiative, and CIC Dun Laoghaire.

Our training session gave practical advice and information, which will help participants deal even more effectively with clients’ housing issues. “An appropriate amount was covered, both relevant and informative.”

The training session focused in particular on providing an overview of housing law and the law relating to homelessness and common legal issues arising with accessing these legal entitlements, the new procedure for evictions from local authority housing; HAP, and  the recent changes to the regulation of approved housing bodies

In their feedback, attendees rated the session as excellent, that it was very good and informative, and that it will make a large difference in their work. In particular, they identified that the training on the following was particularly useful:

  • Access and Eligibility for Social Housing  –  rent arrears need not be cleared but plan to pay must be adhered to
  • Right to housing not protected in constitution
  • Clarity around HAP
  • Eviction procedures
  • How to challenge/appeal decisions and how to request information
  • Role of ECHR
  • Rights in relation to priority on housing list
  • Details of case studies
  • The local connection test – the basis and limits of it
  • Tenant’s rights regarding issues of anti-social behaviour

Participants said the open training brought a “good housing mix of people from different organisations, as there’s an opportunity for sharing learning” and that it was “great to meet a diversity of service providers and share concerns and experience”. Also that the “case studies very helpful” and the “information pack very useful for reading”.

If you are interested in arranging a training session by MLRC, please contact Shauna on 01 4537459 or at We would be very happy to hear from you and discuss the training that would be most useful for you.



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