Mercy Law Resource Centre is concerned with new figures from the Dublin Region Homeless Executive showing a deepening problem of homelessness in the Capital. As reported, at least 94 people were living on the streets of Dublin last month, a rise of 21 people. Along with other homeless agencies, Mercy Law Resource Centre also warns that the homelessness crisis will continue to worsen due to the recession and that the number of people at risk of losing their home will increase adding to the current number of 5,000 homeless people nationwide, the majority of whom are in emergency accommodation.
The Dublin Homeless Executive carries out counts on people sleeping rough in the Capital in order to assist with the measurement of effectiveness of the regional homelessness strategy and to help plan services. Part of the Government’s policy to combat homelessness is to provide supported temporary accommodation to homeless people and so it is vital that Local Authorities closely monitor the need for emergency accommodation in conjunction with the Voluntary Network. There is an obvious need to increase emergency bed capacity in the Capital. However, emergency and temporary accommodation is purely a short-term fix and while MLRC calls on the Government to continue to support emergency accommodation, it is vital that Local Authorities and Charities are equipped sufficiently to provide housing with support in order to end homelessness by the target set of 2016.
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