MLRC welcomes the increase of the Rent Supplement limit, 7/6/13

MLRC welcomes the increase in the new limit of Rent Supplement set by the Department of Social Protection.  This increase will assist thousands of people living in certain urban areas nationwide, with limits increasing by up to €75 per month for a family with two children.

The limit for people living in rural areas is to decrease by up to €80 for families, due to the trend of rent reductions in certain areas of the country, as indicated by the findings of the review of the Rent Supplement levels, taken by the Department using an analysis of the rental market from CSO statistics and other sources that deal with rental properties nationwide.

These changes will come into effect on 24th June and will remain static until the end of 2014, affecting some 84,000 people in receipt of Rent Supplement.

This change will be particularly beneficial in Dublin as many people who were tenants before had become homeless, or were at risk of becoming homeless, due to rising rents.  This cohort of our community will no longer be priced out of the market, but will now have an increased number of suitable rented accommodation available to them as the new maximum limit ensures that 35% of the rental stock is suitably priced for Rent Supplement recipients.

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