As part of our organisational training, on 14th October 2014, MLRC held a training session in housing law and related social welfare law for the staff and volunteers of Life Pregnancy Care, a number of whose clients are faced with homeless or the risk of homelessness.
Life Pregnancy Care Services is based in Dublin, providing counselling care and practical help and support to people facing an unplanned pregnancy, post-pregnancy and post-abortion, and supporting fathers and other family members experiencing problems during and after pregnancy. Services include homeless accommodation, parenting and pre-natal classes and a counselling service.
Our training session gave practical information and advice to Life Pregnancy Care staff and volunteers on a range of issues. In particular, participants, in their feedback, said that they gained information on:
- Rights to homeless accommodation
- The use of the Freedom of Information Act to access records held by public bodies
- Eligibility for social housing
- Detail on housing law
- The HAP scheme
- Standards for rented accommodation
- The transfer list and exceptional social grounds as a basis for a transfer to other social housing
- The law on rent arrears and evictions
This information will help Life Pregnancy Case staff and volunteers deal with the very pressing housing issues affecting their clients.
Attendees gave constructive and positive feedback, noting that the session was very interesting, positive and inspiring and that the information acquired would make a large difference to their service.
Thank you to all those who attended!
If you are interested in organising a training session by MLRC, please contact Shauna on 01 4537459 or at We would be very happy to hear from you and discuss the training that would be most useful for you.
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