There is no legal aid available for housing cases – local authority tenants are, in the vast majority of cases, unable to access any legal representation due to the high costs involved – in respect of the fundamental protection of their family home – MLRC case study

Our client was married and lives with her children in a council house. The marriage irrevocably broke down as her husband was severely abusive, had amassed significant debts and had refused to pay his portion of the rent to the Council. Our client obtained a barring order against her ex-husband who was then ordered to […]

Frequently asked questions on social housing and related social welfare law

1.     I cannot afford to buy my own home – what are my options? Local authorities provide social housing support to those who meet certain eligibility conditions and who are also in need of housing.   2.     What is social housing support? Social housing support is the overall name for when a local authority makes […]

MLRC warmly welcomes Aisling Murray, TCD law student, as intern with MLRC

MLRC is delighted to welcome Aisling Murray, who will be working with us this September as part of the TCD Clinical Legal Education Programme. Aisling is a Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin, Managing Editor of the Trinity College Law Review and Legal Research Officer for Trinity FLAC. She has a keen interest in human rights […]

MLRC warmly welcomes Fergal McConnon, TCD law student, as intern with MLRC

MLRC is delighted to welcome Fergal McConnon to the MLRC team. Fergal is a final year law student at Trinity College Dublin. He has a keen interest in constitutional, human rights and public interest law. He is the current chairperson of Trinity FLAC, TCD’s branch of the Free Legal Advice Centres Ltd. We are delighted […]