April Fools Comedy Gala Fundraiser 2014
Mercy Law Resource Centre presented our first Comedy Gala fundraiser on Tuesday 1 April 2014 in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin 2. Thank you to everyone who came – you raised over €2500 for MLRC! Thank you for your huge support which helps ensure that MLRC can continue to provide and develop our services […]
Tickets are now on sale for the April Fools Day Comedy Gala, on Tuesday 1 April 2014, in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street, in aid of Mercy Law Resource Centre!
Mercy Law Resource Centre is proud to present The April Fools’ Day Comedy Gala on Tuesday 1 April 2014 in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin 2! We would be delighted to see you there! The Comedy Gala will raise funds to help MLRC continue to provide our services, of free legal advice and representation, […]
MLRC welcomes NUI Galway Clinical Legal Education student, Mary Ann Sullivan, 4/3/14
MLRC is delighted to welcome Mary Ann Sullivan, who will be working with us until April on a placement with us as part of her Clinical Legal Education Programme at NUI Galway. Mary Ann is a final year student of the Bachelor of Civil Law at NUI Galway. She has a keen interest in housing […]
MLRC invites you to the MLRC April Fool’s Day Comedy Gala, on Tuesday 1 April 2014, in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street
Mercy Law Resource Centre will be holding a Comedy Gala on Tuesday 1 April 2014 in the Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin 2! We would be delighted to see you there! The Comedy Gala will raise funds to help MLRC continue to provide our services, of free legal advice and representation, befriending service, training and […]
MLRC welcomes the overwhelming vote by the Constitutional Convention to recommend to the Government the strengthening of economic, social and cultural rights into the Constitution, 24/2/14
On Sunday, 23 February the Constitutional Convention voted overwhelmingly in favour of amending the Constitution to strengthen the protection of economic, social and cultural rights. 85% of the delegates voted in favour of increased protection of these rights in the Constitution. The majority also voted for the strongest possible protection option – of inserting a […]
MLRC supports the call for the Constitutional Convention to recommend to the Government the incorporation of economic, social and cultural rights into the Constitution, 21/2/14
This weekend, 22 and 23 February, the Constitutional Convention is meeting to consider whether to recommend to the Government that economic, social and cultural rights should be incorporated into the Constitution. The right to housing is currently not protected in our Constitution nor in legislation. This right to housing is one that is within the […]
Befriender’s Training Day February 2014
MLRC thanks our Befrienders and Maeve Hurley and Evanna Lyons of “Ag Eisteacht” for supporting our Befriending Service at an excellent training day in February One of Mercy Law Resource Centre’s key services is our Befriending service. Our Befriender volunteers befriend clients to accompany them and provide them with emotional and practical support as they go […]
Successful outcome for MLRC client, a separated husband with an interest in the family home: Council issues housing need for assistance letter enabling him access rent supplement, 18/2/14
MLRC has recently assisted a client obtain a housing need for assistance letter from a local authority. This letter enabled our client to apply for Rent Supplement to pay for his private rented accommodation. The local authority issued the need for assistance letter to our client in recognition that although the client is not, in […]
MLRC thanks those involved in our recent training day, 14/2/14
MLRC thanks our Befrienders and Maeve Hurley and Evanna Lyons of “Ag Eisteacht” for supporting our Befriending Service at an excellent training day in February. One of Mercy Law Resource Centre’s key services is our Befriending service. Our Befriender volunteers befriend clients to accompany them and provide them with emotional and practical support as they […]
MLRC welcomes Bláithín Ní Chróinín, 24/1/14
MLRC is delighted to welcome Bláithín Ní Chróinín, trainee solicitor, to our offices here at 25 Cork Street. Bláithín is a trainee at Mason, Hayes & Curran, who have generously agreed that Bláithín work with MLRC as an intern, once a week for the next three months. Bláithín studied Law and Irish in University College […]