Criteria for Taking Cases
Priority areas of work and the nature of the claim
We prioritise cases of urgent need and vulnerability and operate a list of key areas of priority. Examples of areas that we are currently prioritising include:
- Access to suitable emergency homeless accommodation for families and vulnerable individuals;
- Access to the social housing list, in particular for individuals and families who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness.
We also consider the nature of the claim, including the seriousness of the matters raised, the impact of the issues on the applicant, the likely response by the public body to the matter and the likelihood of success of any claim.

Issues of strategic importance and impact on client group
We assess the strategic importance of a new case with regard to whether:
- The matter raises an important matter of principle and falls into an area of focus for MLRC;
- The matter raises issues where significant case law has not been developed;
- The proceedings will or are likely to have a beneficial impact for our broader client group.
We are focused on bringing cases strategically, that have a broader impact on our client group. Our client group includes: individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless and those facing problems in relation to accessing social housing or related social welfare supports. Our target client group includes people who do not have the financial capacity to avail of private legal representation.
Our resources and capacity
Before opening any new case, we have regard to our existing work load. We also have regard to any resources that are available to MLRC and our capacity to properly progress any new case.
Cases in other areas such as family law, criminal law or landlord and tenant law that are outside our remit are referred where possible to an appropriate service.