Governance and Transparency
MLRC is committed to best practice in governance and is compliant with the Charities Governance Code. MLRC is a Triple Locked member of Charities Institute Ireland, complying to the Triple Lock Standards of transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and good governance.
To find out how you can support MLRC, see ourĀ support MLRC section.

- Reduced rent and utilities
- Free conference and reception facilities
- Pro bono legal services by barristers
- Pro bono legal and paralegal placements from collaborative law firms
- Pro bono expert reports from doctors/engineers etc.
- Volunteer administrators
- Volunteer part-time solicitors
Donor Charter
If you would like to provide MLRC with feedback on any aspect of our work, please go to our feedback and complaints page, which is locatedĀ here.
MLRC is registered with the Charities Regulator and is listed on the Public Register of Charities.
The Charities Governance Code is the standard that a community, voluntary or charitable organisation is expected to maintain in order to effectively manage and control its affairs. By maintaining good governance, systems and processes, MLRC is fully compliant with the code, including compliance with the additional standards for complex charities.
MLRC operates in compliance with the Governance Code and is committed to continuing and further improving policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.
MLRC ās Strategy 2024-2029 is newly published and is foundĀ here.