Housing Group Launches Booklet

MLRC has, together with other members of a Housing Policy Group, prepared a Housing Information Booklet “Social Housing Rights Explained”

It was launched on the 18th April in the Dublin City Council Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. There was a large attendance on the morning and they heard presentations from Clare Naughton (Solicitor at NCLC), Frank Murphy (Solicitor at BCLC), Sinead Martin (Rialto Rights in Action), Jan O’Sullivan (Minister for Housing and Planning) and Andrew Montague (Lord Mayor of Dublin) who officially launched the booklet.

Both the Minister and the Mayor were supportive and positive in their respective speeches.  The Minister commented that she was surprised that a booklet like this had not been previously written and congratulated the Housing Group on their initiative. The Mayor did not see the booklet as something the local authorities should be afraid of, rather it should be seen as a positive and he was delighted to see a section on Homelessness. Sinead Martin, Rialto Rights in Action, highlighted how easy the booklet was to read and follow.

The booklet, a collaboration by the housing group, provides information to tenants, prospective tenants and supporting service providers on housing issues and information on where they can get further support. It also outlines the legal responsibilities of local authorities.

Click here for a soft copy of the booklet.

If you are interested in receiving a hard copy please contact us.

To read the Press Release in the Law Society Gazette May 2012 click here.