Our Funders
Our sincere thanks go to the Sisters of Mercy for their invaluable contribution towards our core service costs. Additionally, we extend our appreciation to the Archdiocese of Dublin, Mason Hayes & Curran, A&L Goodbody, the Religious of Christian Education and Pobal (SSNO Scheme) for their vital support towards our work. We are very grateful to Arthur Cox for providing a paralegal resource to us.
Over the last few years, MLRC has been the grateful recipient of grant funding from the following sources:
- ESB Energy for Generations Fund
- Christian Brothers – Edmund Rice Trust
- The Ireland Funds
- Community Foundation of Ireland
- Mental Health Ireland
- RTE Toy Show Appeal
- Cork Street Fund
We are also deeply grateful to Sophia Housing for their generous in-kind support, including free conference, meeting, and reception facilities.
For additional information about supporting the work of MLRC, please click here.