Successful outcome on a housing application and housing needs assessment, 10/9/13

Mercy Law Resource Centre recently helped a client to be placed on a local authority housing list and obtain a housing needs assessment letter. This letter enables our client to apply for rent supplement, to subsidise private rented accommodation for him while he awaits housing from the local authority. Our client had recently separated from […]

New Solicitor-in-Charge at MLRC, 19/8/13

MLRC is delighted to welcome Maeve Regan as the new Solicitor-in-Charge, taking over from Rose Wall. Maeve is a solicitor, lecturer and author, her previous position being Legal Officer with the Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA), a project of FLAC.  Maeve trained with Arthur Cox and upon qualifying, specialised in employment and equality law, working […]

MLRC supports call for child benefit for over 18s in second level education, 30/7/13

Child benefit is a payment made to the parents of children under 16 or children under 18 if they are attending full-time education, participating in Youthreach training, or are disabled. The payment is not dependent on the financial status of the family. Child benefit payments were discontinued for children over the age of 18 in […]

MLRC supports Threshold’s call for Deposit Protection Scheme, 24/7/13

On Monday 22 July, the national housing charity, Threshold, released details of a report into the occurrence of illegal deposit retention by landlords in Ireland. Deposits typically consist of one month’s rent and should be returned to the tenant once their tenancy ends. There are limited circumstances in which a deposit may lawfully be retained. […]

MLRC supports further reform to rent supplement, 23/7/13

Local authorities look set to assume further responsibility in the realm of housing support if Government plans for reform of the rent supplement system proceed. On Friday the 19th July it was announced that local authorities will take over some of the work of the Department of Social Protection, specifically in relation to rent supplement […]

MLRC successful outcome of housing issue, 11/7/13

Mercy Law Resource Centre successfully settled a case with a local authority on behalf of a client with three children and who found herself homeless and living in emergency accommodation.  Our client had been on the housing list for over 9 years and had signed a tenancy agreement with a voluntary housing agency not knowing […]

MLRC acknowledges €25,000 donation from MHC, 05/07/13

MLRC wishes to acknowledge and thank Mason Hayes & Curran for their kind donation of €25,000.  MHC has helped fund our centre for the last three years. As well as this much needed funding MHC continues to provide us with wonderful trainee solicitors, who have assisted us with legal research, policy work and general client/clinic […]

MLRC has signed up to the One Percent Difference Campaign, 1/7/13

Mercy Law Resource Centre has already signed up to the One Percent Difference Campaign, joining some 530 other charities! The One Percent Difference Campaign was launched in Dublin last month with the view to increasing philanthropic interest in Ireland.  Along with individuals, businesses are also encouraged to get involved in the campaign. The One Percent […]

Zatreanu & ors v Dublin City Council [2013] IEHC 556

Zatreanu & ors v Dublin City Council [2013] IEHC 556 On 4 December 2013, Hedigan J gave judgment in the High Court decision of Zatreanu & Ors v Dublin City Council. In this case, MLRC on behalf of its client, Mr Zatreanu, had sought judicial review of Dublin City Council’s decision not to grant Mr Zatreanu’s application […]