MLRC regularly hosts an open training on social welfare law, delivered by Prof Gerry Whyte, School of Law, TCD.

In July, MLRC held five open training sessions covering social welfare law issues, attended by individuals, barristers, solicitors, and staff from Focus Ireland, Sophia Housing, Citizen Information Centres, and Crosscare. The training was delivered by Professor Gerry Whyte, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin. The training attendees gave the following feedback: “Covers everything!” “Interesting and […]

Mercy Law Resource Centre attend launch of FLAC Annual Report 2016

On July 31st, solicitors from the Mercy Law Resource Centre attended the launch of FLAC’s Annual Report 2016. Introduced by Minister for Justice & Equality Charlie Flanagan, the report outlined the details of the work undertaken by FLAC. This included responding to the 25,710 people who sought legal advice from FLAC, both through telephone referral line […]

Call for Right to Housing to be enshrined in the Constitution

“The right to housing in our constitution would be a positive, strong step for the future to create fundamental protection of home for every adult and every child” On Thursday, 13th July 2017, Mercy Law Resource Centre was honoured to participate in ‘A Right to Housing’ seminar in Trinity College Dublin, in conjunction with Simon Communities […]

Equality Rights Alliance Seminar

On Friday June 30th Mercy Law were delighted to attend the Equality and Rights Alliance’s (ERA) seminar ‘A New Roadmap for our Equality and Human Rights Infrastructure’. The seminar provided ERA’s members an opportunity to come together and examine the progress of the law in Ireland since the publication of ERA’s Roadmap to a Strengthened […]

MLRC Submission on Emergency Accomodation

On 30th of June, 2017, MLRC sent a submission to the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government to raise very urgent issues relating to the provision of emergency accommodation by housing authorities to families and vulnerable people. MLRC also presented for consideration possible actions to address these issues. Press release 30 06 17 […]