MLRC welcomes the increase of the Rent Supplement limit, 7/6/13

MLRC welcomes the increase in the new limit of Rent Supplement set by the Department of Social Protection.  This increase will assist thousands of people living in certain urban areas nationwide, with limits increasing by up to €75 per month for a family with two children. The limit for people living in rural areas is […]

MLRC acknowledges €12,000 Grant from SSGT, 04/6/13

MLRC is delighted to accept and acknowledges the kind donation of €12,000 from St. Stephen’s Green Trust. This is the third year we have received this funding and we are thrilled that St. Stephen’s Green Trust considered us again as a worthy cause to fund our valuable work with the homeless and those at risk […]

New figures on Rough Sleepers concerning, 30/5/13

Mercy Law Resource Centre is concerned with new figures from the Dublin Region Homeless Executive showing a deepening problem of homelessness in the Capital. As reported, at least 94 people were living on the streets of Dublin last month, a rise of 21 people.  Along with other homeless agencies, Mercy Law Resource Centre also warns […]

Housing needs of separated parents, 22/5/13

Our client is the father of a three-year old girl and two boys aged six and eight. He is living apart from the children’s mother. The parents have joint custody and guardianship of the children and both are actively involved in parenting. The children live primarily with their mother but also spend two or three […]

MLRC extends best wishes to Rose Wall, 20/5/13

Mercy Law Resource Centre wishes Rose Wall, who was our Solicitor in Charge, all the very best as she starts her new position as CEO of the Northside Community Law Centre today – what is the MLRC’s loss is the NCLC’s gain! Rose has been with MLRC since 2010 and has been a major contributor […]

MLRC calls for more training of frontline Social Welfare Staff, 7.5.13

Mercy Law Resource Centre supports the Irish Immigration Support Centre’s call for: 1)      The training of frontline social welfare staff regarding entitlements and supports for migrants. 2)      A coordinated approach between the Department of Social Protection and the Department of Justice in relation to the status of migrants and their entitlements. Some migrants are not […]

Homelessness due to relationship breakdown or domestic violence, 24/4/13

Homelessness due to relationship breakdown or domestic violence Many of MLRC’s clients are homeless as a result of having to leave the family home that they jointly own, due to relationship breakdown or domestic violence.  The Census in 2011 revealed that of the 3,808 people in accommodation for the homeless, 16.7% were either separated or […]

MLRC Calls on Government to ring fence funding, 11/4/13

MLRC calls on Government to ring fence funding for homeless services The Dublin Homeless Network, which represents 23 charities, has warned the HSE that the cuts in funding since 2010, which average at 20%, have dramatically reduced much needed services at a time when there is an increased demand for such services. In a survey […]

Update on Spent Convictions, 8/4/13

Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions) Bill 2012 – An Update Mercy Law Resource Centre (MLRC) submitted its views on the Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions) Bill 2012 on January 17th last. The Bill has since been considered by both the Seanad and the Dáil and is expected to return to the Dáil shortly for Order for Report, […]